Your electric utility provides funding to make this discount possible:
Partner: Burlington Electric Department logo
Partner: Green Mountain Power logo
Partner: Stowe Electric Department logo
Partner: Vermont Electric Co-op logo
Partner: VPPSA logo
Partner: Washington Electric Co-Op logo

About this rebate

Offer available to:

  • ✓ Residential Properties
  • ✓ Businesses

Effective Date: April 1, 2024

Offer subject to change.

  • Must be new, installed in Vermont, and listed on the Qualifying Products List at the time of purchase. Used, rebuilt, or refurbished equipment is not eligible.


Get $600 back or receive a $600 instant discount through a participating distributor ($600 post-purchase rebate cannot be combined with instant point-of-purchase discount)

Vermont homeowners whose annual household income falls at or below low or moderate-income guidelines may be eligible to have up to 100% of their project cost covered when replacing an existing water heater. ($600 rebate CAN be combined with the income-eligible rebate. Rental property owners and new construction projects are not eligible for this offer at this time.) Download the form to apply. (Limit: one per household.)

  • Low income: 100% of costs*
  • Moderate income: 90% of costs up to $6,000*
Note: Burlington Electric Department (BED) customers are not eligible for this offer. Please contact BED to learn about available rebates: (802)-865-865-7326 or [email protected].

*Projects costing over $5,000 must be approved in advance by Efficiency Vermont

$600 Instant Rebate:
  1. Confirm eligibility
  2. Find a contractor
  3. Contractor receives instant discount on qualifying products at time of purchase at participating distributor


$600 Post-Purchase Rebate:
  1. Confirm eligibility
  2. Find a retailer or contractor
  3. Purchase and install qualifying products
  4. Download rebate form or apply online
  5. Submit completed application with proof of purchase that includes purchase location
Income-Eligible Post-Purchase Rebate:

After confirming eligibility and completing qualifying purchase and install, download the rebate form and submit to [email protected] with proof of purchase. Renters must also submit a declaration of ownership signed by a landlord.

Partner Additional Offer Details
Burlington Electric Department up to $1,000 Post-purchase rebate
Federal Tax Credit for tax years 2023-2032 30% of cost, up to $2,000 per year Federal Tax Credit details & eligibility
Municipalities served by VPPSA $200 back Post purchase rebate
Washington Electric Co-op $100 back Thermal incentives

Secure financing to help pay for energy-saving improvements.

Financing for business

Business Energy Loan
Low-interest financing for businesses, nonprofits, and institutions.

Financing for homeowners

Home Energy Loan
Flexible financing for homeowners starting at 0% interest.