Don't leave money on the table for weatherization
Weatherization makes homes more comfortable, decreases costs, can improve health, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Weatherization makes sense, but I know that the upfront costs of weatherizing can be difficult to fit into a tight budget. If you’ve thought of weatherizing your home in the past but got discouraged by the cost, now is the time to explore the possibilities.
Our current incentive is one of the largest we have ever offered. While funds last, qualified households can get up to $9,500. The incentive covers 75% of the project cost for moderate-income households and 90% for low-income households. You can also pay for your project monthly through our Home Energy Loan, with interest rates as low as zero percent, or monthly via your utility bill.
About 60% of Vermont households qualify as low or moderate income. View the household income limits to see if yours might be one of them. Our customer support team can help you, too.
If you don’t qualify as low or moderate income, you can still get up to 75% of the project costs back, up to $4,000. If you meet low-income thresholds, you may qualify for free weatherization (as well as other services and products). You can learn more by working with your regional weatherization agency.
Does your home need repairs before weatherization?
Income-eligible Vermonters can also get up to $15,000 for home repairs that are necessary to address barriers to completing a weatherization project (such as remediation of asbestos, mold, or vermiculite). That's a total of up to $24,500 to weatherize your home.
Weatherization is a cost-effective way to keep your home comfortable and to reduce carbon pollution. Heating our buildings in Vermont causes 36% of our state’s carbon emissions. Efficiency Vermont experts predict that this increased weatherization incentive could result in hundreds of additional Vermont homes getting weatherized. That has me excited!
Kelsey hired the Efficiency Excellence Network contractors. The crew air-sealed and insulated Kelsey’s entire home, resulting in fresher indoor air and comfortable temperatures year-round. Ice buildups are now a thing of the past, and Kelsey is estimated to save $400 each year on heating costs. Read more about Kelsey's story.
And you will save too. Those are dollars that you can spend on your family and reinvest in the local economy.
Learn more about our incentive for comprehensive weatherization projects.