About this rebate

Offer available to:

  • ✓ Businesses

Effective Date: January 1, 2019

Offer subject to change.

  • Ventilation fans must have been tested by the Bio Environmental and Structural Systems Laboratory (bess.illinois.edu) or the Air Movement and Control Association Internal Inc. Laboratory (www.amca.org).
  • Only the tested fan configuration will be eligible. Additional non-tested accessories such as cones, shutters, or boxes will not qualify. For safety reasons, accessory wire guards are allowed even if not tested.
  • Ventilation fans must meet minimum efficiencies in the charts below.
  • Efficiency Vermont strongly encourages the use of fan controls (thermostats, timers, etc.) and staging/banking of fans when possible to maximize energy savings.
  • Rebate amounts are specific to dairy barn installations. Other agricultural facilities may qualify for a custom rebate. Contact Efficiency Vermont for more information.

The rebate amounts listed in these tables are specific to dairy barn installations. Other agricultural facilities (non-dairies) may qualify for a custom rebate. Contact Efficiency Vermont for more information.

Circulation Fans (aka panel, box, cage, etc.)

Fan Diameter Min. thrust cfm/watt Rebate per Fan Rebate for Circ Fan VFD controls
24 - 35 inches 14.5 $40 Please call for custom analysis
36 - 47 inches 20.3 $75 Please call for custom analysis
48 - 64 inches 23.2 $150 Please call for custom analysis

Exhaust Fans (through-the-wall and can be used for tunnel ventilation)

Fan Diameter Min. cfm/watt @ 0.10" SP Rebate per Fan Total rebate per fan w/VFD*
24 - 35 inches 11.5 $75 $200
36 - 47 inches 17.1 $175 $400
48 - 51 inches 20.8 $175 $400
52 - 59 inches 20.3 $275 $600
60 - 72 inches 21.1 $275 $600
*Efficiency Vermont will not support VFDs for agricultural ventilation for the sole purpose of a "soft start," though some energy-saving applications will provide this side benefit.
  1. Obtain quote for new ventilation with full model number.
  2. Complete Pre-Qualification Form prior to purchase.
  3. Submit completed form and quote to Efficiency Vermont.

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