Flood Recovery Rebates: Weatherization
Get up to $9,500 back to replace flood-damaged air sealing and insulation.
Damage must have occurred in 2024 and/or between July 10 and July 31, 2023 (or July 10 and August 10 for residents of Addison County).
About this rebate
Offer available to:
- ✓ Residential Properties
Effective Date: July 10, 2023 to June 30, 2025
Offer available while funding lasts.
- If you received an Efficiency Vermont flood-recovery incentive for replacement of equipment damaged in the 2023 flooding and your replacement equipment was damaged in 2024 flooding, replacing the equipment a second time and receiving another flood-recovery incentive is not considered duplicative funding.
- If you received an Efficiency Vermont incentive less than $10,000 for damages incurred due to 2023 flooding and your home incurred additional damages during 2024 flooding, you may reapply for an incentive up to the amount that brings your 2023 and 2024 flood incentive total up to $10,000.
- All work must be completed by an Efficiency Excellence Network Contractor
- You will not need a blower door test-in to initiate your project. Contractors will assess and recommend improvements based on your needs.
- If you have received WAP services in the last 15 years and your home’s air sealing or insulation was damaged by flooding:
- You can receive full WAP services
- You must re-apply to determine if you are still eligible
- If eligible, you will be bumped to the top of the wait list
- If your appliances were damaged by flooding, please continue to enroll in Efficiency Vermont’s Flood Recovery Rebate program when replacing them
Income-eligible households can also get up to $15,000 for home repairs that are necessary before weatherization, including ductwork, electrical, plumbing, remediation (asbestos, mold, vermiculite), ventilation, and repairs to the foundation, roof, siding, and window.
- Hire an Efficiency Excellence Network contractor and plan the scope of your project.
- Verify household income with Opportunities Credit Union to determine eligibility for enhanced incentives.
- Work with your contractor to complete the project.
- Contractor reports completed work to Efficiency Vermont for review.
- Receive 75% of project cost back, up to $4,000 per project, or $9,500 per project low-income and moderate-income Vermonters.
Secure financing to help pay for energy-saving improvements.
Financing for homeowners
Home Energy Loan
Flexible financing for homeowners starting at 0% interest.
Home Energy Loan Flood Recovery Accommodations
Eligible fossil fuel heating equipment may be financed
0% interest loans, with loan terms of 5 years or less, are available for all customers recovering from flooding
Borrowing cap: $30,000
The cap of 50% for Health & Safety project costs has increased to having no cap if such repairs are necessary for your project