We help Vermonters live better while spending less on energy
We provide objective advice, technical services, and financial support to help you create healthier, happier, more comfortable spaces. Learn more about what's possible.
Trending: Popular Blogs
New Year's Resolutions that save money all year
Start your year off right with some energy-saving wins. Making a few small changes in your home can help you save money and energy all year.
Don't leave money on the table for weatherization
Eligible Vermonters can get up to $24,500 back on weatherization projects that will keep your home warm and cozy.
Fact or Fiction: EVs are not cut out for winter driving
During Vermont winters, it’s paramount to have reliable transportation that can handle snow, slush, road salt, and icy conditions. Those considering an electric vehicle often have a lot of questions about battery range, traction, and all-wheel drive in winter.
Trending: Popular Stories
Making Vermont more affordable, one partnership at a time
For 40 years, Cathy Reynolds helped Vermonters save energy and money. And she had a whole lot of fun doing it.
How one energy champion shaped a more efficient school district
Holly Andersen has led large-scale energy efficiency improvements across the Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union. Her goal? “It’s about the future, and being able to afford to live here.”
Turning an old farmhouse into an energy-efficient home
Farmhouse charm meets modern sustainability in this energy-efficient Vermont home.
Trending: Business Resources
Visit with Vermont Glove Factory in Randolph
Small to medium businesses, like Vermont Glove in Randolph, are improving their energy efficiency with impressive results.
Business Energy Assessments
Get professional guidance to identify the biggest energy-saving opportunities for your business, facility, or rental property.
3 easy ways to save money at your business
How to save energy and money at your small business.
Featured Resources
10 wrong ways to save energy this winter
Don’t let yourself resort to these tactics to stay warm this winter – energy efficiency can help keep you comfortable and save money.
2023 Vermont Energy Burden Report
Understanding the impacts of energy costs on Vermont households.
Ask the Expert: Why is developing Vermont’s workforce important for energy efficiency?
Efficiency Vermont’s workforce development manager, Will Schwartz explains how growing Vermont’s climate workforce matters for energy efficiency and the state’s climate goals.