Residential New Construction Terms and Conditions
Please be aware that new enrollments to the current Residential New Construction program will end on December 31, 2021. Projects enrolled prior to 12/31/2021 will have until 12/31/2022 to complete, incentive levels subject to change. Enrolled projects that complete after 12/31/2022 will be subject to incentives available at that time.
New programming will be available on January 1, 2022; this page will be updated with information regarding the new program when it is available. Customers that qualify for the Low Income Residential New Construction program may still enroll new projects in 2022 with no changes to the current program.
To be eligible for Residential New Construction incentives from Efficiency Vermont and its partners, Burlington Electric Department, Vermont Gas Systems, and Washington Electric Coop, a signed enrollment form must be received by Efficiency Vermont with at least one week’s notice to inspect the home prior to installation of drywall (or other interior wall finish surfaces). Due to continuous improvement, service, features, and the availability of incentives may change at any time.
Please be aware that new enrollments to the current Residential New Construction program will end on December 31, 2021. Projects enrolled prior to 12/31/2021 will have until 12/31/2022 to complete, incentive levels subject to change. Enrolled projects that complete after 12/31/2022 will be subject to incentives available at that time.
New programming will be available on January 1, 2022; this page will be updated with information regarding the new program when it is available. Customers that qualify for the Low Income Residential New Construction program may still enroll new projects in 2022 with no changes to the current program.
Services are available to building professionals, home buyers, homeowners or housing agencies involved in the construction of enrolled residential properties. Incentives are only available to individuals or entities authorized to make efficiency improvements on the subject property, and are limited to enrolled properties that successfully complete a full rating project. Eligible properties for incentives include new site-built and modular homes, and full rehabilitation projects where all insulation can be accessed and inspected.
The enrollee is responsible for installing, operating, and maintaining the efficiency measures in a prudent manner and in accordance with all applicable laws, codes, regulations, rules, standards, and the manufacturers’ instructions. Confirmation that dwellings meet specific rater-verified criteria within the State of Vermont’s Residential Building Energy Standards is required in order to receive incentives.
Efficiency Vermont does not warranty the performance of installed equipment expressly or implicitly for fitness for a particular purpose for any specific level of energy savings, or that the equipment or its installation, complies with any specifications, laws, regulations, codes, or standards.
Efficiency Vermont does not endorse any particular manufacturer’s product or system design in providing these services and incentives. Product listing does not constitute endorsement, nor does the absence of product listing imply that products are defective in any way.
Efficiency Vermont is not responsible for any tax liability incurred by the enrollee as a result of the payment of incentives.
Enrollees pursuing a home energy rating must notify their designated Efficiency Vermont representative at least one week prior to being ready for a pre-drywall inspection (i.e. after insulation is up, but before installation of drywall or other interior wall finish surfaces). Efficiency Vermont site visits (e.g. pre-drywall inspections) will only occur after a minimum of 24 hours have elapsed since last application of SPF. The enrollees pursuing a home energy rating must notify a designated Efficiency Vermont representative when all required energy efficiency measures have been installed and the home is ready for final inspection. Within 30 days of this notification, the enrollee must provide a designated Efficiency Vermont representative with access to the residence and all documents pertaining to the acquisition and installation of the efficiency measures to verify that the home meets Efficiency Vermont specifications. No incentives will be paid until the energy efficiency measures have been installed and inspected by an Efficiency Vermont representative.
Efficiency Vermont incentives will be mailed within 60 days of the final review of a successfully completed project. When applicable, Burlington Electric Department, Vermont Gas Systems, and Washington Electric Cooperative will provide incentives in their service territories for all homes in which the final inspection verifies that performance specifications have been met. Incentives will not be provided in cases where an incentive, subsidy, or discount has already been provided through other Efficiency Vermont or Vermont Gas Systems offers.
The enrollee hereby authorizes Efficiency Vermont to release the following Home Energy Rating System (HERS) information for the purpose of assisting real estate appraisers and realtors in the development of accurate home appraisals: the physical address of the rated property; the HERS Index Score; whether the home is labeled as Efficiency Vermont Certified, ENERGY STAR®, Efficiency Vermont Certified High Performance, LEED for Homes, National Green Building Standard, or Passive House; and the date that Efficiency Vermont criteria was met. Requests by enrollees to withhold such release will be honored, providing such notification is received prior to completion of HERS documentation.
Enrollee agrees that Efficiency Vermont holds the sole rights to any electric system capacity credits and/ or environmental credits associated with this energy efficiency project.
Enrollees must obtain approval from Efficiency Vermont prior to using its name or logo. ENERGY STAR is a registered trademark of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and may not be used without permission.