Our History
Efficiency Vermont was created in 1999 by the Vermont Legislature and the Vermont Public Utility Commission. The following year, we began offering services to help reduce energy costs for Vermonters and protect the environment.
Prior to 2000, those services were delivered by Vermont’s 20-plus electric utilities, and the cost was built into the overall utility rates. The city of Burlington, which has a long-standing and successful efficiency program, continues to receive energy efficiency services from Burlington Electric Department.
Vermont was the first state to bid energy efficiency into a regional electric grid, showing it to be a reliable, cost-effective resource in meeting the state’s energy needs. With the creation of Efficiency Vermont, all Vermonters gained access to a consistent, comprehensive set of services. Since then, Vermont has been able to achieve ambitious energy targets, which has reduced its system-wide electricity costs.
In 2008 Efficiency Vermont received authorization to offer thermal efficiency services to all Vermonters to help them reduce their use of fossil fuels, improve their comfort, and save on heating costs. Efficiency Vermont partners with Vermont Gas Systems, the Vermont Fuel Dealers Association, and Vermont contractors to deliver thermal efficiency services.