Efficiency Vermont Terms & Conditions

Limitation of Liability

Efficiency Vermont provides guidance and program requirements to best achieve its programmatic goals. No efficiency program, including Efficiency Vermont, can guarantee that any project will be successful or free from any issues or defects. Efficiency Vermont disclaims any warranty, express or implied, relating to the performance of installed equipment or materials, the performance of any third party (including participating contractors), fitness for a particular purpose, any specific level of energy savings, or that the equipment or its installation, complies with any specifications, laws, regulations, codes, or standards.


Efficiency Vermont does not endorse particular manufacturers, products, or system designs through any of its rebate programs.

Capacity Credits/Environmental Credits

In accepting these financial incentives, the customer agrees that Efficiency Vermont (or, for customers within its service territory, Burlington Electric Department) holds the sole rights to any electric system capacity credits and environmental credits associated with the energy efficiency measures for which incentives have been received.

Disclosure of Information

By submitting a rebate application, the customer consents to allow Efficiency Vermont (or, within the City of Burlington, Burlington Electric Department) to disclose the customer's information (including but not limited to the customer's information included on the rebate application and information on the invoice(s), if applicable) to the vendor and/or contractor who sold or installed the equipment to verify equipment purchase or installation and to collect additional information about the equipment and its installation, if applicable.

Safety and Building Codes

Efficiency Vermont may, from time to time, provide health and safety tips or alert customers and contractors to publicly available information. This is provided for informational purposes only. The enrollee and contractor are solely responsible for installing, operating, and maintaining the efficiency measures in a prudent manner and in accordance with all applicable laws, codes, regulations, rules, standards, and the manufacturers’ instructions. This includes understanding potential health and safety impacts of selected materials and installation procedures. Installation of air sealing, insulation, and protective coatings such as intumescent paint should follow all manufacturer and EPA guidelines, such as for use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and any recommended home vacancy time after installation of products such as Spray Polyurethane Foam that require time for curing.


Unless specified in writing on a specific program or offer, application for Incentives (including all Rebates) must be submitted on or after the program/offer “effective date” and within 365 days of the product purchase date.