Wind Energy and Net Metering

When a turbine’s blades spin, they convert the wind’s energy to electricity. With an on-site turbine, any power that’s generated goes first to satisfy electrical usage in that home or business. Excess power is then fed into the utility grid. Through an arrangement called net metering, the excess kilowatt-hours show up as a credit on the customer’s monthly electric bill.

  • Generate your own electricity from a clean, renewable source
  • Site in suitable locations with an optimal wind resource
  • Sell the power you don’t use to the utility

Wind Energy in Vermont

Wind energy enjoys a proud history in Vermont. In 1941, the first one-megawatt turbine was installed at Grandpa’s Knob, in Castleton, and it remained the world’s largest until 1979. A study by the Vermont Public Interest Research Group suggests that wind could provide 25% of Vermont’s energy by 2032. As is the case with any source of power, there are trade-offs—among them, siting wind farms to avoid wildlife impacts and siting with sensitivity to towns and neighbors.

Scalable Wind Solutions

Wind power has applications for home, business, and utility use. For a home or farm, a 5-10 kW turbine is typical. If using wind energy at this small scale, maximize your electrical efficiency first to get the most out of your investment. Utility-scale wind farms are highly efficient and more economical than small-scale wind. They require less land than solar to produce the same amount of energy.

  • Cost-competitive, clean source of power
  • Can meet up to 25% of electricity needs in Vermont
  • Community wind: enjoy the benefits of wind power and net metering, without your own turbine