Advanced Power Strips in the Home

An APS saves electricity when used with home entertainment systems, home offices, and other places where electronics are operated as a group. Setting one up is easy: First, plug your control device (a TV, for example) into the strip’s “control” outlet. Next, plug related devices into the “switched” outlets. Last, plug anything you wish to remain on into the “always on” outlet. Now when you control your TV, any “switched” electronics turn on and off, too.

  • Save energy and money: as much as $100 per year by avoiding standby load for game consoles alone
  • Save time, simplify your life: one click turns a group of devices on and off
  • State-of-the-art surge protection

Advanced Power Strips in the Office

“Current-sensing” advanced power strips work in tandem with computer power management features (PMF). First, set PMFs so your computer goes to sleep after a period of inactivity (15 minutes, for example). A current-sensing APS detects that the control device is in low-power mode, then shuts down attached peripherals such as task lights or printers, which turn back on once the computer exits sleep mode. This saves energy and simplifies workstation routines.

Standby Load: A Hidden Cost

It’s a misconception that when a device is turned off, it stops drawing power. Almost all electronics use standby load (also called phantom or vampire load)—for example, anything that shows a small red LED when turned off. Even an unattached phone or tablet charger draws electricity when connected to an outlet. Give us a call to assess which of your appliances and devices might be using the most power. We can also lend you an electric meter to measure each device’s usage.