About this rebate

Offer available to:

  • ✓ Businesses

Effective Date: October 13, 2024 to December 30, 2026

Offer subject to change.

Eligible organizations

To qualify for the Efficiency Vermont Nonprofit Program offer, customer must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit located in Vermont that provides one or more of the following services:

  • Food Shelf/Community Kitchen — Provides free or low-cost services to fight hunger, food insecurity, or nutritional deficiency for vulnerable or low-income Vermonters
  • Shelter Services — Provides emergency shelter (short-term and/or emergency housing), homelessness prevention, housing services for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Vermont
  • Domestic Abuse Shelter/Response Centers — Provides emergency services, legal and financial assistance, council services, and shelter (short-term and/or free housing) for individuals or families facing domestic abuse
  • Senior Services — Provides services focused on the mental and physical well-being of aging adults. Does not include long-term housing or care facilities
  • Veteran Services — Provides services focused on the mental and physical well-being of veterans
  • Community Health Centers — Provides free or low-cost medical or mental health services to low-income or non-insured Vermonters
  • Library/Community/Job Training Centers — Organizations that provide community members with free job training and educational services
  • Child Care Centers — Provides early care and education to children
  • Racial and Social Justice Organizations — Racial and social justice advocacy groups that provide support and services to minority populations in Vermont
  • Other — Nonprofit must be able to demonstrate that it provides a health/safety/welfare service to vulnerable populations in their community

Program eligibility & exclusions

  • Up to $7,500 nonprofit rebate is for eligible nonprofit customers to purchase up to four pieces of qualifying equipment or complete a qualifying custom project.
  • An eligible customer is an eligible nonprofit organization located in the state of Vermont.
  • Product must be listed on Efficiency Vermont's qualifying products list at the time of purchase.
  • Payment will not exceed the purchase price and excludes all other costs including shipping, sales tax, or disposal/recycling expenses. Customer is responsible for any tax liability associated with rebate payment.
  • Allow 60 calendar days for delivery of payment. Incomplete or missing information will delay processing.
  • A complete rebate application must be received by Efficiency Vermont in order to receive the nonprofit rebate. Offer is limited to one nonprofit rebate per customer.
  • IBM, Global Foundries, Omya, Energy Savings Account Pilot participants are not eligible.
  • Burlington Electric customers are not eligible for this offer. Visit www.burlingtonelectric.com to learn about available rebates. Vermont Gas Customers are not eligible for an enhanced rebates on Thermal Energy projects. Visit www.vermontgas.com to learn about available rebates for Thermal Energy project types.
  • Rebate is subject to change without notice. Rebates are available on a first come, first served basis and will expire when funds are exhausted.
  • Find your rebates
  1. Contact us to confirm project eligibility and to learn next steps.

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