Scheduling Skills (4 weeks)

January 8 - 29, 2025
Wednesdays 3:00pm-4:30pm

Format: Online
Location: Online
Cost: See Registration for Details

What: Scheduling Skills is a comprehensive introduction to the methodology and techniques of scheduling with Gantt charts for residential construction. In this 4-session online course participants will learn how to build their schedules using predecessor relationships, to establish a critical path where the whole schedule moves together. We will look at pre-construction & construction schedules for individual projects, production overview schedules that track leads and current work, and unique overviews such as trade partner schedules across all company projects. We will discuss how and when to share schedules with your clients and teams.

Who: This course is designed for owners, project managers, and site supervisors working in the residential construction industry.

Why: Scheduling is a critical skill for a construction or design-build company. Good schedules will allow a company to become more resilient, allowing owners and project managers to better plan how trade partners are working together within individual projects and across all company projects.

In this four-week course you will learn how to:

  • use a Gantt chart to create a schedule
  • use predecessor relationships to connect tasks in your schedule
  • include categories of tasks such as admin, material/product selections, material/product ordering, and trade partner coordination (in addition to production tasks)
  • add flexibility and contingency time in your schedules
  • use HELM’s scheduling templates
Click here to Register