2021 Accessibility and Usability for Commercial and Residential Buildings
October 8, 2024
8:00am-3:30pm EDT
Format: In-Person
Location: Hotel Coolidge, White River Junction, VT, 39 S Main St, White River Junction, VT 05001
Cost: See Registration for Details
6 AIA/HSW credits. This six-hour seminar focuses on the minimum requirements for new or existing construction of accessible commercial and residential facilities – including the application of these rules to single family homes – for compliance with the 2021 International Building Code. It addresses the design, plan review, and inspection of buildings and facilities to ensure that people with physical, visual, and hearing impairments can use the facilities.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course you will be able to:
- Determine the extent to which accessibility code provisions apply to the design and construction of any commercial or residential facility, including the alteration or change of occupancy of an existing building.
- Identify scoping requirements for exterior and interior accessible routes, accessible entries, means of egress, customer facilities, plumbing fixtures, specific occupancies and recreational facilities.
- Identify the basis for technical requirements set forth in the referenced standard.
- Recognize which accessibility requirements are enforceable by the building official versus federal requirements.